Letting go......is painful.

I have spent the last week saying good bye to friends and family, packing up my life into boxes and finally the grief of what I will be missing for a year is hitting me.

As I observe myself struggling to let go of that dress or pair of shoes or box of half used paints I realise that so much of why life has come down to attachment to things, when the real heart felt attachment is to people and places. And that I have been caught in the consumerist lie that what I own can provide fulfilment.

Open Floor teaches us that our deepest longings are for

  • Connection to others

  • Belonging to a tribe or place

  • A sense of purpose

  • A connection to one’s own Soul

And things cannot provide what we long for…..but we kid ourselves into believing they can.

Luckily I know all this- the wonderful friendships I have, the beautiful place where I live, will still be here in a years time and I will come back all the richer for my experience and perhaps a little wiser when it comes to possessions and objects. And laugh at the amount of boxes I have put away and wonder why I was hanging onto it all.

He aha te mea nui o te ao He tangata, he tangata, he tangata

What is the most important thing in the world, it is the people, the people, the people.

Jan Jeans